

电子大学课程评估 将为学生提供的 2024年春季 本学期按以下时间表上课:

  • UG/GS上半年课程:2月9日开始接受学生评估, 2024年,并将一直开放到3月1日, 2024.
  • 全日制课程,4月29日结束, 2024年:4月8日开始学生评估, 2024年,将一直开放到4月22日, 2024.
  • UG/GS下半年课程:4月16日开始接受学生评估, 2024年,将一直开放到5月7日, 2024.
  • UG/GS全学期课程:4月16日开始接受学生评估, 2024年,将一直开放到4月30日, 2024.


The electronic University-Wide Course Evaluation (eUWCE) is a questionnaire to solicit feedback from undergraduate and graduate students on courses and teaching. Feedback from students is critical to help inform improvements in the quality of instruction at Clark. 教师通过学习其教学方法的优点和缺点而受益.  Course evaluations are one of multiple methods used to evaluate an instructor’s teaching performance.

2017年秋季, the 办公室 the Provost and the 办公室 Strategic Analytics and Institutional Research (STAIR) launched online course evaluations through explorance (explorance.com/course-evaluations),一个全托管的在线课程评估和调查软件系统.

评估在每门课程的最后几周进行. 具体日期将提前公布. 许多教师会选择在课堂上进行课程评估. 在这些情况下, 评估将在导师安排的日期提供给学生, 并将一直保留到评估期结束, 通常哪一天是上课的最后一天.  对于不希望在课堂上进行评估的教师, the evaluation will be available to students online at any point between the evaluation start- and end-date (emails will be sent announcing these dates, 这可能因班级而异).

Instructors who administer in-class evaluations should announce the date to students in a class session before the scheduled in-class evaluation, 并分享以下信息:


  • Instructors should ask students to bring an internet-enabled device to class on the day that evaluations will be administered. 学生可以使用笔记本电脑、智能手机、平板电脑等.
  • Instructors should talk with their students briefly about the importance of course evaluations and how those evaluations are used.
  • Instructors should tell their students that feedback is valued and that instructors use student feedback to make improvements to courses.
  • Instructors should let students know that they are interested in both positive and critical feedback on the course. 课程和/或教学的哪些方面对学生有帮助? 哪些方面可以改变,以帮助未来的学生更有效地学习?
  • 教师应该提醒学生,评估是完全保密的. Instructors will not be able to see any evaluations until after final grades have been submitted. Instructors will only see course evaluation results in the aggregate; they will not able to connect any particular comment to any particular student.
  • Instructors should let students know that course instructors are the primary audience for their feedback, 但其他人可能会读到他们的评估, 包括部门和学校的管理人员. Course evaluations play an important role in personnel evaluations and in curriculum planning. 


  • 步骤1. Instructors should direct students to Canvas where they will see a list of evaluations they may complete on-line. 除了, students will receive an email invitation with instructions and a list of courses in which they are enrolled. Instructors should remind students that emails have been sent to students’ official Clark email address.
  • 步骤2: 请向学生重申,评估是完全保密的. Instructors will not be able to see any evaluations until after final grades have been submitted. Instructors will only see course evaluation results in the aggregate; they will not able to connect any particular comment to any particular student.
  • 步骤3:  当学生完成评估时,教师应该走出教室.

Students will receive an initial email when their course evaluations become available along with two follow-up reminders. Students will be able to complete their course evaluations using their own internet-enabled device or a computer in a Clark computer lab. 并不是所有的课程都按照相同的时间表开始和结束,所以这些日期可能会有所不同.

一旦学生完成评估并点击“提交”按钮, 事情已成定局,无法改变. 学生每门课程只能提交一次评估.

是的. eUWCE系统通常在公布的结束日期晚上11:59关闭(见上述时间表)。. No one can complete a course evaluation after the evaluation closes; these dates will be announced through email instructions.  教师应该通知学生这个截止日期, 并鼓励学生在这个时候完成他们的课程评估.

是的. 一次是由教练开的, the eUWCE remains available to students outside of class until they click the “submit” button or the evaluation period for the course closes. 如果学生没有在课堂上完成课程评估, 他们可以使用任何能上网的设备, 包括十大平台网赌计算机实验室的计算机, 为此目的.

学生的评价是保密和匿名的课程讲师, 系主任和院长. 换句话说, these faculty and administrators will not be able to connect a course evaluation to a particular student submitting an evaluation.  教师只能访问他们所教的课程. 系主任可以查看本系所有课程的评估结果. 院长有权查看学院内所有课程的评估结果.

Students should bring an internet-enabled device to class on the day you plan to administer the evaluations. 他们可以使用笔记本电脑、智能手机、平板电脑等.

No. 目前,评估结果仅对讲师和部分管理员可用.

Talking to students about how results are typically used and how to provide constructive feedback can help improve the usefulness of the results.

  1. 提高响应率,提高结果的价值: Students commonly suspect that course evaluation results do not get used; this is one reason for low response rates. Demonstrating that student feedback matters can boost response rates and provide a more accurate representation of students’ experiences.
  2. 提高学生的参与度和学习能力: 关于评估的谈话可以帮助与学生建立融洽的关系. 讨论什么样的回答对老师有帮助, 为什么, 能否帮助学生理解教师的教学方法和课程学习目标. Students tend to respond better and “step up to the plate” when they understand how teaching methods connect with learning goals.[来自教与学评估办公室, 华盛顿州立大学, 伊丽莎白·卡尼, Ph.D.]

有关课程评估的问题和顾虑,请发送电子邮件 eUWCE系统管理员.

是的. Instructors can monitor the evaluation response rates for their courses up until the last official day of the course (which is often different than the last day of class).  However instructors will only see completion rates and not information about which students in their course have completed an evaluation or any of the submitted student responses.


Course evaluation reports are generally made available approximately four weeks after the semester ends. Instructors and select administrators will receive an automated message from the eUWCE system when the reports are available for viewing.  查看报告的链接可以在ClarkYOU的左侧找到. 保护学生的隐私, courses with fewer than 5 responses will not be distributed to instructors but only 系主任和院长. 有关如何访问报告和探索蓝的更多文档可在我们的 OneDrive文件夹.

助教目前没有使用UWCE进行评估. 各部门将分别对助教进行书面评估.

默认情况下, 少于5人的课程及定向学习, 实验和讨论部分以及荣誉课程不包括在评估之内. 课程管理前的评估期, 各院系将审阅这些课程, 并且可以选择包含默认排除的任何内容.

  • 许多评分项目的评分范围从1到5, 1是最负的,5是最正的.
  • 关于个别报告, instructors are able to obtain averages for their course ratings alongside averages for their department, 学校, 和大学. All courses with 5 or greater responses are used as the base dataset in generating the average.
  • 有交叉课程的院系, 院系平均成绩包括学生注册级别的课程. 例如, 对于DEPT ABC, 所有的回答都是根据相应的课程水平(e.g.,本科生vs。. 毕业). 交叉上市课程, 学生注册的课程水平包括在课程水平(e.g.当然是DEPT. ABC 231/331,通过DEPT注册的学生. ABC 331将会把他们的回复包含在DEPT中. ABC-Graduate平均值).
  • 系主任和院长将看到所有回复的课程平均成绩, 没有适当的门槛.


  • 地理楼212室